
The Minister of Sea, Ricardo Serrão Santos, issued the new Blue School challenge for the school year 2020/21!

Our Ocean in 2030” is directed at Blue Schools and students of all ages, engaging them in the UN Ocean Decade. There were two ways to participate:

🗣️ Debates – Commitments for Our Ocean in 2030
Each school promotes debates among the students to identify the 10 commitments of the school for a better Ocean in 2030. The school submits its list and their students take part in regional and national debates to select the 10 Blue School commitments for the Decade. 
    🗓️ Deadline: 31 march 2021

Ilustrations – How Do I Want the Ocean in 2030?
How do we want the Ocean to be in 2030? Students create an image (drawing, painting, digital, etc.) that answers this question, along with a sentence or slogan. 

    🗓️ Deadline: 31 march 2021

In the following stage, three regional debates took place to select the 10 commitments of each region. Each Blue School selected their students to take part in these debates, that were live streamed on YouTube:


Afterwards, in 26 May, we had the National Debate to discuss the 10 Blue School commitments for "Our Ocean in 2030", live on our YouTube channel. The journalist Catarina Canelas was the moderator of a debate that included 10 Blue School students from all over the country. Rhe Minister of Sea, Ricardo Serrão Santos, made the opening statement.

These are the 10 Blue School commitments for Our Ocean in 2030.