Blue School is always looking to improve and evolve according to feedback from its community.
Throughout the 2020/21 school year, the Blue School programme was the subject of an impact study, to assess its relevance and usefulness for the promotion of more responsible and participative generations, which contribute to the Ocean sustainability.
Teachers, students, municipalities and partners participated in this study. Click the image below to acess the main results and conclusions (Portuguese only). An abridged version is also available in English. The study was conducted by the consulting company Logframe.
Impact Study 2018
The 2017/18 school year was Blue School's pilot year. With an involvement of more than 40 partners, we had applications from over 60 schools. 42 of them were distinguished as Blue Schools. In order to advance for Blue School's second year in a structured and well-thought way, we decided to run an impact study that would allow us to get the right conclusions of what went right and what went wrong in Blue School's first year.
Teachers, students and partners were interviewed and gave their feedback on the programme's first year. The following document is the final impact study that was conducted by Ipsos Apeme. It is available in Portuguese only.