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Is it mandatory for a Blue School to resort to the Blue School partners’ network?
A Blue School must resort to at least one entity from the Blue School partners’ network. Nonetheless, a Blue School can develop partnerships or activities that are not included in the Blue School partners’ network, with no prejudice for the validation of the project.
Can a Blue School select more than two ambassadors?
Yes. Each school can select any number of ambassadors among its students. However, the school should always specifically appoint two students (a boy and a girl) to represent the project when needed.
When can our school participate in the activities presented by the partners’ network?
The activities presented by the partners’ network that represent a specific offer for Blue Schools are only available from the moment that the school’s application is validated. Blue Schools have a Blue School certificate that they should present to partners to prove their Blue School status.
Is there a deadline for applications?
Blue School applications can only be submitted between June and October. It is possible, however, to fill up the application form all year and keep it saved until June. The school project has to cover two school years.
How can I contact the Blue School Coordination?
By e-mail: info@escolaazul.pt; escolas@escolaazul.pt; parceiros@escolaazul.pt. By phone: +351218291012; +351218290994
I am a Coordinating Teacher and need help in the development of our project. How can I get it?
Do you want to meet with the Blue School Coordination about any matter related to your Blue School project? Need help preparing for the next year? Want to arrange a meeting between your school teachers and the Coordination? Do you wish to apply but don't know where to start? Build your Blue School project with us! You can schedule a webmeeting with the Blue School Coordination. Preferred hours: Tuesdays (10am-1pm) and Thursdays (3pm-7pm). Contact us at escolas@escolaazul.pt.