
The Instituto Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro is organizing a teachers’ course directed at Science and Maths teachers, in a b-learning format with 50 accredited hours. Registration is done through the link https://forms.gle/uocsJY4HL6LHp1Gw8 until July 30, 2023. Find out more details about training in the presentation document (PT only).


 - Train teachers to use new pedagogical tools that promote Ocean Literacy in a practical and transdisciplinary way.
 - Engage all the school community with the current issues that impact the Ocean, motivating them to become agents of change in their communities.
 - Foster exchange of data, ideas, projects and practical actions for the preservation of the Ocean, developing a long-term Network of Guardians of the Ocean between schools from different regions and countries.

The Programme

Caroline Schio is the creator of the citizen-science programme called Monitoring Mirim Costeiro, implemented since 2012 in schools from Garopaba, Brazil. In addition to its implementation, since 2019, in different Brazilian coastal municipalities, it began to be replicated in Portuguese schools from 2021, through a partnership protocol signed between Brazil’s Instituto Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro and the Portugal's Blue School programme.The international replication of this programme aims to develop a long-term Network of Guardians of the Ocean among students from different countries.