
Blue School PT and #EstudoEmCasa Apoia cooperated on the Webinars "In the Ocean's Defense". The goal was to give voice to students and people of the sea, who have so much knowledge and experiences to share.

The 8 webinars took place in schools and were live streamed on YouTube. Schools and municipalities were invited to actively participate in these moments of knowledge sharing.

Rewatch the 8 webinars below and check out the volume II of the E-Book "In the Ocean's Defense" (PT only), that originated in these webinars.


The eighth session took place on May 10, and was led by Carla Tabaio and Cátia Nunes, both marine biologists. It was about “Um Oceano que nos alimenta”.

The webinar can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQQVpyYAw0U


The seventh session took place on April 27, and was led by Filipe Parreira. It was about “Um Oceano a conservar: a Ria Formosa”.

The webinar can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_hG1M0rbBE



The sixth session took place on April 20 and was led by Salomé Meneses. It was about “Um Oceano em Transformação: 9 Ilhas, 1 Geoparque”.

The webinar can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2iBCWr5dos


The fifth session took place on March 22 and was led by Cláudia Moreira and Filipa Bessa. It was about “Um Oceano limpo e sem lixo”.

The webinar can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK7vjrdxZOQ 


The fourth session took place on February 15 and was led by Francisco Lufinha. It was about  “Um Oceano de Aventura”.

The webinar can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efc4COxWGZ0.


The third session took place on January 3 and was led by Luís Menezes Pinheiro, President of Portuguese Committee for the IOC/UNESCO, and was about “Um Oceano por descobrir”.

The webinar can be watched at https://youtu.be/SONFI3lznrY.


The second session took place on January 10 at the Gabriel Pereira School, at Évora.

The webinar was led by Pedro Madureira, from EMEPC – Task Force for the Extension of the Continental Shelf, and was about “Um Oceano Profundo - A Plataforma Continental e os Recursos Minerais Marinhos”.

The webinar can be watched at https://youtu.be/aRNKy72skQE.



The first session took place on November 30 at Carcavelos School, with support from the Municipality of Cascais. The webinar was led by Mónica Albuquerque, from EMEPC – Task Force for the Extension of the Continental Shelf, and was about “An Ocean of Species”. 

The webinar can be watched at https://youtu.be/GKIcNZObZ3U.



The Webinars "In the Ocean's Defense" will benefit from a pool of young moderators to help conduct the webinars. Registration is now open through the following form (available in PT only): https://forms.gle/5tqY24aSEkpX7BPB8.

Find out more about the first edition of the Webinars "In the Ocean's Defense" (PT only), where 7 webinars were held, with the participation of 13 experts, 12 student moderators and close to 3000 participants.