
Blue School is partnering the Oceano Azul Foundation, the Portuguese Directorate-General for Education, Estudo em Casa and the network of Ciência Viva Clubs at School for the launch of the Rise Up initiative.

We seek to give voice to our students and involve them in the creation of a letter of commitments that will be delivered at the plenary session of the United Nations Ocean Conference, which takes place in Lisbon, at the end of June.

In a first stage, more than 20.000 students voted on what they consider to be the three most important priorities for the Ocean protection.

Then, on June 8 (World Oceans Day), 80 students met in Lisbon for a discussion on the most voted priorities and on possible actions to reach them. Several Blue Schools were very well represented by their students in this session. They were included in discussion groups moderated by distinct personalities such as the Minister of Education.