
The EU4Ocean - European Ocean Coalition connects diverse organizations, projects and people that contribute to Ocean Literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Supported by the European Commission, this bottom-up inclusive initiative aims at uniting the voices of Europeans to make the ocean a concern of everyone!

Blue School PT is one of the founding members of the EU4Ocean, with particular involvement in one of the EU4Ocean main components: the Network of European Blue Schools.

The main goals of EU4Ocean are:
       - Contribute to enhance awareness and engagement in the sustainable management of the ocean and seas;
       - Help coalition members to become ocean advocates in their own field/role/region as well as agents of transition supporting changes in perception, values, attitudes and behavior towards more sustainable practices, management of the ocean and blue economy opportunities;
       - Put Ocean Literacy high on the policy agenda, contributing to the implementation of the EU marine and maritime policies and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, in particular the SDG 14 - Life Below Water.

The EU4Ocean coalition combines EU-wide activities with actions dedicated to the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean (including the North Sea), the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the global Ocean.

The coalition focuses three components: the EU4Ocean Platform for organisations and individuals engaged in Ocean Literacy initiatives; the Youth4Ocean Forum, and the Network of European Blue Schools.